If your property manager is already tracking your income and expenses, there's no reason to re-enter them manually in Stessa. Set up an automatic data connection and Stessa will import your transactions in real time.
Connect Stessa to Mynd
The URL for your Mynd account should look something like this:
Connect Stessa to Appfolio
The URL for your Appfolio account should look something like this:
For more detailed instructions on linking Stessa to your Appfolio account, check out the separate help article: Connecting Stessa to Appfolio
Connect Stessa to Propertyware
The URL for your Propertyware account should look something like this:
- or -
For more detailed instructions on linking Stessa to your Propertyware account, check out the separate help article: Connecting Stessa to Propertyware
What does Stessa do with information received from my property manager?
When you connect your property management accounts to Stessa, we will receive information from your property manager. This information may include personal identifiers, property information, and financial information. We may use that information to provide you with services or enhanced functionality, for administrative or analytical purposes, or to provide you with relevant content and offers that may interest you. See our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for more information.